It is difficult to personally handle a legal matter on your own when you’re at the centre of a lawsuit or a proceeding. Choosing litigation while attempting to negotiate a resolution can be a stressful and demanding process, and the choices you make while in that state will seriously impact your outcome. We invest quality time upfront to provide you with the tools and information you need to pursue the best litigation strategy to resolve your dispute. Our focus is to help you resolve your legal matter in the most fair, efficient and cost-effective manner we can.

Knowledgeable, Committed, Results Oriented

Whether your matter is currently being dealt with in Court or if you’ve recently begun negotiations, it’s never too late to understand your rights and responsibilities. Because the monetary interests at stake vary, we offer unbundled services to provide you with assistance during this difficult time without racking up disproportionate legal fees. We can help you assess the pros and cons of taking various actions, and provide legal advice to help ensure you reach a satisfactory resolution in a timely fashion.

Limited Scope Retainers

It is well known that because hiring a lawyer can be costly sometimes it’s not just financially viable to retain a lawyer to assist with all aspects of your legal matter. That’s why we offer our clients the option of retaining on a limited scope basis, also known as an “Unbundling Agreement”. This is an option for those who don’t qualify for legal aid, don’t have the financial resources to provide a full retainer, or may need legal advice rather than full representation.

Position/Demand Letters

Initiating court proceedings without first trying to settle out of court can be the  least efficient, and most costly way to go about your legal matter. Depending on the complexity of the matter and the relationship between the parties, you  may be able to settle outside of court by way of negotiations if a dialogue is opened in the right way.

Independent Legal Advice

Independent Legal Advice, or “ILA” is often required when one party has a lawyer and the other party is self-represented, although it is almost always recommended before entering into any final resolution. In fact, many lawyers require that a Certificate of ILA is included so that the negotiated agreement itself is strengthened. When executing an Agreement or accepting an offer to resolve your legal matter, it’s always recommended that you obtain Independent Legal Advice to ensure that your Settlement is appropriate and will withstand scrutiny if challenged in Court.

Small Claims Court

The Small Claims Court handles civil disputes with a monetary value of up to $25,000 and is a branch within the  Superior Court of Justice. Prior to filing a claim, you should consult with a lawyer to determine if the monetary value of your potential claim is accurate and if it’s worth pursuing by way of litigation.

Consultation Services

If you are looking for advice on your current situation but are not necessarily looking to retain a lawyer, we offer paid consultations to provide limited assistance in your matter. Unlike a free consultation, you are able to  receive legal advice and discuss the options available to you during a paid consult.

Disclaimer: The information contained within these pages is general information only. Each matter is unique and the information contained within these pages may not apply to your situation. You should always seek legal advice to review your individual matter.